Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Adapting to Diverse Science for the Development of our Nation

Being a science clubber or just a simple or ordinay person created by God,there's always responsibilities to of this is to take care our environment and improve or develop our nation.
God create us to develop our nationand take good care his other creations like animals and most importantly our enironment.We,people have the power or responsibility to do this bec. this is very important to us in order to live and we do not want that our childrens and the future generations to live in this kind of polluted environment.One of the problemthat we must solve is about the Global Warming.This simple words can affect us and destroy our lives.Reduce,Reuse and recycle,use this 3 words and follow it bec. this can help us to prevent pollution.Having a good sorrounding,we can do everything but if we still satanding,we can do do it now,bec. if we still do our bad attitudes and habits,we can destroy our environment.Save our Mother Earth for brighter tomorrow.Do it now!!!HEAL the WORLD.-M.jackson-


  1. tHanks for viewing my blog...

    wow...nice post!!
    it seems that you really love science....
    continue transcribing great essays.....
    keep it up


  2. eii?!nice post!!!

    your post is so veri interesting!!!

    ki it up...

